Monday, August 31, 2009


I just graduated from Brooks Institute!
And now I have my BA in Visual Journalism.

[Tam - my business partner - From the Attic!]

[my grad prints at the Cota St. campus]

[my family made a giant sign with my name on it! haha]

Graduation, August 2009

all images ©Andrea Garvin, 2009 on a crappy camera phone haha

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Regarding Road Trips...

I have been shuffling through hundreds and hundreds of photos from the road trip my brother and I recently took (whilst also trying to make 2 new websites and interning at a studio....whew)
And as much as I'd like to say I'm done with them...I'm not...
Here are some photos from Wisconsin (one of my favorite places!!) to keep you entertained for the moment...
[at uncle Dean's in Deerfield]
[driving to the cabin in Danbury]
[beautiful countryside]
[at the cabin]
[dad driving around Danbury]
[gorgeous Danbury, Wi]
[driving to find a hiking trail]
[we found it!]
[uncle Dean's cabin in Danbury...I love this place]
[bonfires at the cabin]
[lunch at Wild Waters in Danbury]
[mmmm chicken nuggets]
[dad and his soup]
[Willd Waters Restaurant in Danbury]
[shooting the air riffle]
[camp fire]
[more shooting]
[and onto Minnesota...]
Check out more here!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wedding Website!

Well, I've finally got content on my wedding site. I figured, if I was paying for the host and the domain, I may as well upload something for everyone to look at... and maybe I'd get a job out of it haha :)
It's still a little rough around the edges, but take a look at it....

See it here.

I'm also working on my main site at the moment, which should be up and running very soon :)